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cherry Mariana
(level 24)
goldcherries: 1816
reputation: 3949
confidence: 3555
cherry from: 25 December 2012, 17:36
last seen: 30 May 2018, 20:56
About the Garden
In your garden you can plant various plants that you must water daily. From time to time, your jealous friends will throw garbage in your garden so you must keep your garden clean.
What do I get from my garden?

Reputation and Confidence. Every time you water your plants or clean your garden you will receive 1 confidence for every plant you own. You will receive reputation through accessories, each accesorie has a value that will be added to you reputation.
How much does it cost to have a garden?

Steps si Goldcherries. Every time you water your plants or clean out your garden you will loose steps. Don't worry, you'll get them back. You will spend some goldcherries on accessories in Vricostore (in the city) if you like to have a wonderful garden.
How can I have a wonderful garden?
Buy accessories for your garden from Vricostore (the store is located in the city).
How do I use my plants?
All you have to do is to move your mouse on a parcel and left-click on the area you wish to plant your flower. A window will appear to choose the seeds.
How can I get rid of a plant I don't want?
If you choose to get rid of one of your plants for better ones simply just select the plant with your mouse, click on it and the "remove plant" option will appear.
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