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cherry andreea_p12 (level 39)

goldcherries: 2707
reputation: 20118
confidence: 14076
reputation: 20118
confidence: 14076
cherry from: 08 June 2014, 08:31
last seen: 10 January 2018, 13:06
last seen: 10 January 2018, 13:06
View cherry's friends
Challenge to game
Challenge to rock-paper-scissors game.
You will bet 2 .
You will bet 2 .
Round 1

Round 2

Round 3
Send challenge! | I changed my mind.

clothes 421 |
job 19 |
boyfriend 46 |
house 42 |
garden 60 |
pet 95 |
holiday 50 |
cooking recipes 185 |

She earns +312 and spend -480.