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The difference between „Open Subjects”-„Questions”

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:45 am
by Imposibila
The difference between "Free Talks" and "Tests and Questions"

Hello guys! I created this topic to help you because lately I noticed that most of the cherries (I do not refer to all of all) create topics that should belong to the "Tests and Questions" category, not to the "Open Subjects ". This topic has the role to help you differentiate the two categories, and create topics in the correct category.

Open Subjects

In order to be posted in the "Free discussions" category, a topic should contain a topic of discussion, such as:

Greetings, representations the near holidays
Ads, such as a topic where you announce that you want to do a school, or a story, etc.
Help to pass the level, such as asking cherries to play your puzzles, or borrowing your gold cherries, etc.


In order to be posted in the "Test and Questions" category, a topic should contain:

Different questions addressed cherries, to the limit of common sense
Different opinions asked at the cherries, such as: "Do you like my new look?"
Tests on various topics, such as: "Mathematics Test".
Personality tests.
